Rebirth of Anti-Japanese 1937

Just now, the remaining wounded Chinese troops in the position detonated several boxes of explosives, and they were constantly killed.

Just now, the remaining wounded Chinese troops in the position detonated several boxes of explosives, and they were constantly killed. They also took dozens of imperial troops with them. As for the commander of the Chinese army, he succeeded in breaking through the encirclement and did not know where he was. Kumamoto Yilong Shaozuo was already angry about this, so when he responded to the captain, he avoided the important and did not mention these, but he did not think that the inappropriate voice sounded at the moment, which disrupted his wishful thinking. Fierce eyes swept, but saw his three colleagues looking at him with a sneer, it is clear that the words just came out of their mouths. You As soon as Kumamoto's voice sounded, he was interrupted by the captain of the regiment. Kumamoto, where is the head of the Chinese commander you want to bring? "Haye!"! The Chinese soldiers are working cunningly. I have ordered a small team to pursue them. Your Excellency, the commander of the regiment, will soon be able to see the head of the Chinese commander.. "Youxi!"! Yossi! Open the way to work. As soon as Shichuan Jiro gave the order, the Shichuan detachment attacked Datong, Shanxi. Several officers who followed closely behind him, their eyes were shining with fierce light, and they did not want to give way to each other. At this moment, Shikawa Jiro and his subordinates will not realize that they let go of dozens of Chinese soldiers and what a terrible disaster they will bring to them in the future. —————————————————— New Year's new atmosphere, the book of fire, I hope you will support a lot! Here I wish you all a lot of money in the New Year! Fortune continues! U You Shumeng uUTxt. CoM Quan Wen Zi Ban Yue Du Volume 1 Chapter 1 Camp, Camp! Words: 8450 Camp, wake up. Come on,collapsible pallet bin, wake up! If you don't wake up, the brothers will have no way to live. Liu Mingchu swayed into a coma, and Li Changqing, the battalion commander who had not yet woken up, was full of anxiety and impatience in his voice. Several soldiers in homespun uniforms also formed a circle, eagerly looking at the unconscious battalion commander. In a daze, Li Changqing felt that someone was shaking his body vigorously, but his brain felt like a pot of paste,plastic pallet suppliers, his eyes seemed to be stuck, and he could not open them all the time. Just then, a male voice with a strong Shanxi accent sounded. I said, "Company Commander Liu, I'm afraid it's hard to wake up your battalion commander like you. Let Lao Li have a try!" Not far away, a rough man, like watching a play, said jokingly. There were dozens of soldiers scattered behind him, wearing uniforms that were obviously different from those of the soldiers opposite, apparently not all the way. Liu Mingchu stared at Li Qiang, who was also a defeated soldier, and asked stiffly, "Li Qiang, don't ***ing talk nonsense. You have the ability to wake up our battalion commander. The cowhide is not bragging!" "I said, Liu Lianchang, don't stare at me. You won't know until you try!" Li Qiang said nonchalantly, plastic pallet crates ,plastic pallet manufacturer, and did not take Liu Mingchu's warning to heart. Liu Mingchu looked at the unconscious battalion commander, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded. He has exhausted the way, or did not wake up the battalion commander, since the other side seems to have a great deal of confidence, it can only let him try, dead horse as a living horse doctor. "That's the right thing to do. Liu Lianchang, just look at it!" The rough officer named Li Qiang rolled up his sleeves and came over. He raised his arm and waved it down to Li Changqing's face. Lao Li, what are you going to do? As soon as Liu Mingchu saw Lao Li's posture of rolling up his arms and sleeves, he immediately felt bad, but before his voice fell, he slapped him hard. "Bang" "Bang" Loud voice, immediately let the unconscious Li Changqing face emerged incomparably clear Wuzhishan. The burning pain stimulated the dazed nerves, and Li Changqing suddenly opened his eyes. Four eyes face each other, still want to fan a few more times of Li Qiang, the action is a meal. Immediately, he boasted triumphantly to Liu Mingchu. Company Commander Liu, look, isn't your battalion commander awake? How about it? My way. "Ouch." Don't forget sex when you are proud! Obviously, Li Qiang did not remember this sentence, so it was a tragedy. Li Changqing is so sensitive, although not sober, but a long time to develop an instinctive reaction, he did not even think about it, directly kicked out the owner of the strange face in front of him. Ouch "Gollum" Li Qiang, who was caught off guard, suddenly turned into a rolling gourd and rolled far away until he hit a big stone. He lay on the ground for a long time, but failed to get up. You can see how powerful this kick is. For Li Qiang lying on the ground, Liu Mingchu didn't care at all. Even if the battalion commander did not kick, he wanted to beat the old boy severely, but dared to slap the battalion commander in the face, which was a death wish. Looking eagerly at the awakened battalion commander, he couldn't wait to ask, "Battalion commander, you're awake. That's great. The brothers have a backbone this time!" But the battalion commander'Li Changqing 'felt that his body was weak, his head was a mess, and he looked around blankly, somewhat confused about the situation. He felt that he should be lying in his dormitory in Baghdad, having a good sleep, instead of being in the wilderness. 'Li Changqing ', to be exact, is now the soul of the battalion commander of the National Army, a mercenary employed by Blackwater Security Consulting Company. He is responsible for the task of protecting senior officials and government officials, and when necessary, he can act as a human shield. Some time ago, the target he was protecting was ambushed by armed men loyal to the former president, and his companions were wiped out. Only he and his employer survived. Faced with a large number of militants, he was not afraid and fled into the vast mountains with his employer. With his formidable skills and strong ability to survive in the wild, he not only saved his employer until the arrival of reinforcements from the US Army and Blackwater Security Consulting Company, but also killed no less than a dozen militants. It was because of his heroic performance that his unharmed employer, after being rescued,secondary containment pallet, greatly praised Blackwater's ability and his performance. To his delight, the employer rewarded him with 100,000 yuan on the spot and tripled the commission to hire him as a bodyguard.


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