5 Tips for Getting a Job Using Social Media

Social media has become a powerful tool for job seekers. It can be used to connect with potential employers, identify opportunities that might not be listed on traditional job boards, and learn about the culture of companies before you even apply for a position.


Social media has become a powerful tool for job seekers. It can be used to connect with potential employers, identify opportunities that might not be listed on traditional job boards, and learn about the culture of companies before you even apply for a position. But if you're new to social media or just need some tips on how to use it to your advantage in the job search process, here are five ways that can help:

Make sure your social media accounts are presentable.

  • Make sure your social media accounts are presentable.

  • Update your accounts, but don't overdo it—you don't want your updates to be so frequent that they look like spam.

  • Make sure your account is professional—don't post anything personal or embarrassing on there.

  • Make sure the design of your page is well-designed, with no typos (or if there are typos, delete them!) in the description and a cover photo that shows off what you do best. Don't use clip art from Microsoft Word; use real photos from real events and tasteful images from online stock sites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock Photos for free!

  • Finally, make sure that everything on each platform looks the same: if you have an Instagram account where all of the posts are vertical images (IGTV style), then make sure everything else uses vertical images too.

Follow the companies you want to work for.

Follow the companies you want to work for.

If you're looking for a job, it's helpful to know what the company does and how it does it. Follow them on social media so you can get the scoop on upcoming projects, new hires, and any other information that will help you become a better candidate when an opportunity arises. You may even find a contact within the company who can put in a good word for you as they move up in their careers!

Find influencers and follow them on social media.

Go out there and find influencers in your industry who are active on social media. If you have a favorite company or brand, follow them on Twitter and Instagram, and engage with them as much as possible. You can also reach out to the people who work there and ask questions about their jobs—if they're currently hiring interns or entry-level employees, they'll probably mention it in their social media profiles!

And once you've found someone you really admire, don't forget to share their content with friends and family too! This way when anyone Googles "how do I get a job at Company X?" (or something similar), they'll be able to see that person's name come up as one of many potential sources of advice.

Be professional in your social media interactions.

  • Use your real name as your username.

  • Don't post anything that you wouldn't want your boss to see, or any potential employers to see.

  • Don't post anything that you wouldn't want your future colleagues to see.

Keep tabs on conversations related to the industry you're interested in.

Keep tabs on conversations related to the industry you're interested in.

If you want to be a social media manager for a company, it's important to know what people are saying about that company. By paying attention and keeping tabs on what's being said online, you can learn more about how they operate and understand the expectations they have for their employees.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Find out who their influencers are on social media (and follow them)

  • See what kind of content they post that gets shared frequently by other companies, or by customers/fans/users of theirs

  • Find out what people are saying about them (and engage in those conversations!)

Using social media can help you land a job if you approach it right.

As you may have noticed, there are a lot of articles out there about how to use social media wisely, but not many that cover exactly how it can help you find a job. So we'll get right into it.

Using social media can help you land a job if you approach it right. Here are 5 tips for getting the most out of your efforts:

  • Find jobs on your personal social media accounts (e.g., LinkedIn). Many companies and organizations post available positions on their pages in order to reach as many people as possible with their offers. This is especially true if they're looking for an intern or entry-level position, since they're likely trying to build up their staffs quickly with minimum effort or cost involved on their end—and they want applicants who are already familiar with the company and its mission statement. You should also look at other professionals' profiles in order to learn more about what types of skillsets others have used successfully within similar areas (e.g., marketing) so that you know what type of experience counts towards being hired into this field!


If you want to use your social media to find a job, don’t be afraid to reach out. Just remember that the key is in being professional, friendly and consistent. Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way!

Moora Salam

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