Main things to know about job interview

Before applying for any position make sure you know what it takes to reach on final selection. Interview is one of the processes, a Candidate should get to know about, so that he/she will be able to demonstrate why they should be selected for a job and why they should join a certain compa

Interview is described as “view between” it means two or more people In-depth conversation(meeting) where one of them is questioned,evaluated and judged for the purpose of getting view of each other and knowing each other. Briefly interview is one on one conversation between an interviewer and interviewee to exchange information.

After submitting your application, bear in mind that the following techniques will be taken to get you on the desired  position.


  1. Screening

This refers to the preliminary interview which is done when there are many applicants for a given post. The aim of screen interview is to eliminate unqualified applicants and prepare a short list of qualified applicants.

  1. Random appearance

This method is used when physical appearance is the essential requirement for a given post, such as for bouncers, Air hostesses, policemen and others.

  1. Tests

Written or oral tests can be used to test the intelligence, proficiency and general knowledge of the applicants.

  1. Under stress interview

In this method the candidate is provoked to test his poise and how he will acquit himself from difficult situations. The candidate may be asked embarrassing questions or asked to demonstrate how he can carry out a given task such as selling items to panelists.





  1. Make sure you know everythingthere is to know about yourself, such as academic qualifications, ambitions, hobbies, work experience.

    2.Gather as much information about the company as possible e.g. their operations, services, personnel remunerations.

    3.Carry with you all your certificatesto the interview room.

    4.Prepare a list of questions you predict the interviewers may ask.

    5.Prepare appropriate answersfor your predicted questions.

    6.Prepare questions that you could like to ask during the interview.

    7. Dress appropriately; example for men a black or navy blue suit and a plain light coloured shirt may be winning colors

     8.Arrive for the interview on time, arrival time is ten – fifteen minutes before the time of the interview.




  1.Walk carefully into the interview room, do not wear a scowl or a stupid smile when entering the interview room.

  2.Greet the interviewers politely avoid shaking hands unless the interviewers stretch their hands to you.

  3.Do not sit down until you have been asked to do so, adopt a natural and upright composed posture when seated.

 4.Pay attention to what is being said and do not interrupt the interviewer.

 5.When responding give relevant answers only and be audible enough for all the panelists to hear you.

 6.Do not boast of your capabilities or qualifications.

 7.If there is something you don’t know admit it straight a way

  8.If you are being interviewed by someone who does not possess as many degrees as yourself do not put on airs. Give the interviewers your co-operation and respect

  9.Be calm throughout the interview do not loose your temper or argue with the panelists these may not  work your way.

  1. Adopt a positive approach throughout the interview; express your enthusiasm for the job and the company. If you give an impression that you are not interested you may realize that the interviewer is also not interested in hiring you.
  1. Avoid shifting in your seat, chewing fingers, smoothing your hair, adjusting the knot of your tie or playing with the pen or paper. All these are signs of nervousness. Nervousness is your worst enemy in interview.
  1. When you are asked about your previous employer, be frank but do not criticize your former employer. Mention only positive aspects of your former employer.
  1. Ask questions where full information has not been provided by the interviewer.

  2. When the interview is over do not forget to thank the interviewer. You can ask tactfully when the results will be made known to you

