Recommend [Horror Reasoning] Death Poisonous Corpse (Male Frequency)

Xia Buer came in and said, "The Flower King is the Black Queen among the Prometheans. It has the power of life and death over the floret.

Xia Buer came in and said, "The Flower King is the Black Queen among the Prometheans. It has the power of life and death over the floret. The floret has deprived it of consciousness, but we can't kill the Flower King easily, otherwise both the floret and the floret will die!" Angela gently stroked Hua Wuyan's forehead and whispered, "We have to send them away after all. We are here to destroy the Prometheans. No matter who will die in the end, it is not as important as the future of all mankind, is it?" Xia Buer waved his hand irritably and said, "Let's not talk about this. Have the corpses found you?" Angela turned and said, "I found it!"! We also saw the broken army, but it did not rush close, may be afraid of the flower king and spider, right! What the hell is this place? "When the broken army was still human, someone discovered the rejuvenation of Bailinggu, but also found some incredible things, many people died.." Xia Buer lit a cigarette and said, "So the superstitious ancient people built an altar here. They wanted to wait for the gods to calm down before inviting the emperor to come and rejuvenate. As a result,euro plastic pallet, they all died before the altar was built, and the broken army was the commander in chief here!" Angela nodded thoughtfully and said, "It's not an underground mausoleum. Have you explored all the caves leading to the underground world?" "I went in the second hole, and there was a big nest of little sand lizards in it." Xia Buer said in a deep voice: "It is estimated that the sand lizard's nest is not far from the second hole, but there are bluestone steps in the second hole, as well as stone carvings for pure decoration,heavy duty plastic pallet, so the second hole must lead to the underground world, which is the imperial road for the emperor!" Angela tilted her head and asked, "Will the black corpse bug still be in the same place? And I don't understand. The black corpse bug was killed by you on the battlefield. How did its corpse come back from the dead?" "I can't answer that question, I can only go down and have a look." Xia Buer shrugged his shoulders and went out. Angela followed him and closed the door. Xia Buer took him directly to Moustache's house and said, "There is clean spring water in the water tank. You can drink and wash. The main thing is to wash your buttocks clean!" "Why wash your ass? I'm not sleeping with you." Angela stared at him reproachfully, and her pretty face turned red unconsciously. Xia Buer immediately closed the door and said, "The old couple is still blushing. If you don't sleep with me, who will you sleep with? We will sleep together tonight. I want to hold you and have a good sleep!" "*** off!"! I won't sleep with you. Angela pushed him away with a red face, picked up the wooden basin and began to wash in the living room, while Xia Buer leaned against the door frame and smoked, staring at her without blinking, plastic trash bins ,mobile garbage bin, waiting for Angela to smash the bailer in shame and indignation before he went into the inner room laughing. Come and wash up, too. It stinks. It was not long before Angela came in with a wooden basin, her coat and trousers had been taken off, she was wearing only a camisole and underpants, and her hair was wet and attractive. Xia Buer sat on the bed like an uncle and said with a triumphant smile, "Call Dad or help me wash my feet. You can choose one by yourself. Don't say whether you like to wash or not. From the day you matched the Chu and Qin sisters, you are the woman of my old Xia family!" Just this once! Never again. "" Angela had a rare compromise, which surprised Xia Buer. He couldn't wait to raise his feet. Angela really squatted over to help him take off his shoes and socks and scrubbed his feet in a basin. She didn't dislike him at all. "It's really worth dying for me, Xia Buer, to have today." Xia Buer happily touched her face. Angela rolled her eyes and said, "Hum, if I wasn't afraid that you would get me dirty, I would put the basin on your head. Anyway, you know how to bully me. I heard that you not only washed my sister's feet and buttocks, but also kissed the soles of her feet, right?" "People still call me Dad, do you." Xia Buer looked at her with a bad smile. Angela immediately picked up the wet foot-washing cloth and wiped it directly on his face. She spat: "You are so promising. All day long, you either force me to call my father or my husband. You go out to sleep. I will never call your father!" "That call, husband, just one." Xia Buer suddenly pressed her on the bed, and Angela's breathing quickened, and there was some panic in her big watery eyes. Xia Buer said in surprise, "Oh, little golden retriever!"! Xianggong didn't fix you for a few days. How can you become so sensitive? Do you want your husband to love you well? Come on! Calling my husband makes me excited, too! "You call your wife first." "Wife!"! My dear wife. "Husband." "Ha ha ~ I finally completed the merit, let's go to war, daughter-in-law..." …… It may be that Xia Buer, who had not recovered from his injuries and had not died of flattery, slept in the dark. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had slept for more than ten hours. But Angela woke up early and stared at him deeply beside him. Her big eyes were full of love. What's going on? Why are you looking at me like that. Xia Buer rubbed his sleepy eyes and held Angela in his arms. Angela fell on his chest and said softly, "I just want to remember your appearance and imprint you in my soul. Even if we can't grow old together in this life, I can find you in the next life!" "I think you're a little strange today." Xia Buer was puzzled and said, "You never said these sad words before, but today you have been saying something irrelevant. Did something happen above that you secretly hid from me?" "No!"! It's just that I'm going to the underground world, and I'm afraid I won't get out alive. Angela climbed onto him, held his face and kissed him deeply. She didn't let go until Xia Buer's mouth was dry. She said,stackable plastic pallets, "Lv is really missing. She must be an undercover agent of the new corpse clan. I guess Zhu Xueyan will follow soon!" "Alas, time will tell." Xia Buer sat up and leaned against the head of the bed. He lit a cigarette and said, "It doesn't matter whether the new corpses come or not. It's just that more of them will die. The danger of the underground world is greater than that of the above. Maybe both of us will be wiped out!" 。


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