Fallout 76: Tips to Boost Your Movement Speed

There are lots of ways that you can increase your movement speed.

Being fast on your feet is a must in Fallout 76. Whether you want to get from A to B quickly or you want to close the gap between you and any soon-to-be-dead enemies, moving around fast helps to make the game considerably easier. Moving quickly is especially helpful during limited-time events. There are lots of ways that you can increase your movement speed. While there is a speed cap, if you use the right combination of perks, effects, mutations, and equipment, then you can make your way around the map very fast.

There are a couple of mutations that help boost movement speed. The first is Speed Demon. This mutation directly increases your movement speed and reload speed. With this mutation, you'll move and reload weapons 20% faster. However, your thirst and hunger levels will decrease 50% faster while moving.

The other mutation that can help with movement speed is the Marsupial mutation. This mutation greatly increases your jump height. While not exactly a direct boost to movement speed, being able to hop over walls and onto buildings can help you get around the map much faster than normal.

There are a few perks that you can use to help make these mutations even more beneficial. The first is Starched Genes. This perk can be found in the endurance skill. It only has one rank. This perk completely removes the chance of you recovering from a mutation when using Radaway. It will also prevent you from picking up any unwanted mutations when taking radiation damage.

The second perk that helps with mutations is Class Freak. There are three ranks to this perk. Each rank reduces the negative effects of mutations. Rank 1 reduces the negative effects by 25%. Rank 2 offers a 50% reduction in negative effects. Rank 3 reduces any negative mutation effects by 75%. While this doesn't directly impact your movement speed, it helps to negate the downsides of taking mutations.

The third perk that helps to make mutations more worthwhile is Strange In Numbers. This perk increases your positive mutation effects by 25% if one of your teammates is also mutated. Unfortunately, because of the movement speed cap, this perk doesn't help to boost your movement speed further. However, it's worth mentioning because it can be very beneficial if you enjoy using multiple mutations.

There are a handful of perks that directly impact how fast you move. Some of them simply offer an outright boost to your movement speed, while others have certain criteria that need to be met before they work, such as holding a certain weapon or being at low health.

Dead Man Sprinting perk can be found under the agility category. It has two ranks. The first rank makes you spring 10% faster when your health is below 40%. The second rank makes you run 20% faster when your health is at 50% or less. The main drawback of this one is that the AP cost for sprinting when this perk is in use is more costly than normal.

Gun Runner is another agility-based perk. Similar to the previously mentioned perk, it has two ranks. The first rank increases your movement speed by 10% when you have a pistol equipped. The second rank increases your movement speed by 20% when you are holding a pistol. While it is better than Dead Man Sprinting because it doesn't increase the AP cost for sprinting, it does mean that you'll need to hold a pistol all the time for it to work. It's important to note that the benefit of this perk doesn't work if your pistol is in your inventory, you need to be holding it in your hands.

If you regularly play as part of a team, then Squad Maneuvers can be a very handy perk for increasing your spring speed. There are two ranks to this Charisma perk. The first allows you to run 10% faster while on a team. The second rank increases your sprint speed by 20% while on a team. Since it is reliant on you being on a team, if you prefer to use a solo build, then it's best to give the perk a miss.

A Jetpack is great for getting around the map faster. It allows you to jump onto platforms and buildings that typically would be out of reach. Similar to the Marsupial mutation, you don't move faster. Instead, you can hop over obstacles, allowing you to reduce the time it takes to get from place to place.

If you are using Power Armor and you don't have the required resources to craft a Jetpack, you might be able to craft the Emergency Protocols mod. While this mod is considerably harder to come by than most of the Jetpack mods, players can pick it up for a couple of thousand Caps from a willing seller. This mod increases the player's movement speed by 25% when their health is below 20%. It also reduces the amount of damage the player receives by 50%. If you lack caps, you can buy Fallout 76 Caps on U4GM!

The higher your AP, the longer you'll be able to sprint. While this doesn't technically increase your movement speed, being able to run for longer does mean that you'll be able to get to where you need to be a little bit faster. There are lots of perks and consumables that boost your AP. From items that increase how fast your AP refreshes to things that reduce the cost of sprinting, there are lots of things that you can use to help keep your AP levels topped, such as Marathoner, Sprinting Costs Up To 40% Fewer Action Points!

Jime kalmiya

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